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Honouring fifty years of skiing

A steering committee has been preparing several events for the 50th Years of Skiing in Fernie in 2012.

By Mike Delich


A steering committee has been preparing several events for the 50th Years of Skiing in Fernie in 2012. The purpose is to honour skiing in Fernie since 1962, the founders, the employees, the ski school, the ski racing team, the ski patrol/avalanche experts and mountain guides, the areas-Fernie Snow Valley, Island Lake Lodge, Fernie Wilderness Adventures. The events will create memorable events and lasting memories and will establish and maintain an enduring legacy of the rich cultural history of snow sports and mountain life.

Several events will be held to coincide with the display at the Fernie Museum and the Ski Canada Ski week in March. In late January, former employees, ski patrollers and the public will bring their collection of photos for an evening to reminisce on the past 50 years. In February, the Fernie Classic Art Show at several locations will be held. The judged event with many art categories will see prizes awarded by an esteemed panel of judges. In March, former ski racers will gather on March 17 to have a social and a fun ski race. Alumni from the Fernie Ski Club, the Elk Valley Racers, Fernie Snow Valley Racers and the Fernie Alpine Ski Team are expected to attend. Gordie Bowles, Editor of SR (Ski Racing) Magazine has already started contacting his former team mates. On March 24, Dave Rogers, the long-time ski school director will be organizing a classic ski school reunion. Former employees and instructors from across Canada will spin tales and demonstrate their ski techniques. It is expected that the attendees will bring fashions and equipment of the last 50 years.

A detailed event calendar will be released following the January 7, 2012 organizing meeting. In addition to the steering committee of Heiko Socher, Andy Cohen and Mike Delich, the following individuals will be helping to create memorable events; Dave Aikens, Barry Hulburd, Dave Rogers, Dr. Rod Geddis, Dave O’Haire ( the first employee of Fernie Ski Resort ).