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Steelworkers host Labour Day celebration

United Steelworkers 9346 hosted a Labour Day celebration for all of Fernie’s unions near the Fernie Aquatic Centre.
Children celebrated Labour Day in front of the Fernie Aquatic Centre.

Under a grey sky, the United Steelworkers 9346 hosted a Labour Day celebration for all of Fernie’s unions near the Fernie Aquatic Centre.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers, the BC Nurse’s Union as well as the B.C. Teacher’s Association were all in attendance on Monday afternoon for free food, bouncy castles and activities for kids and family.

“We wanted to make people more aware,” said organizer Steve Kallies, of USW 9346, who noted that there wasn’t enough support for the holiday.

He explained, “A large part of the nation was built on people just like us. People that run our hospitals, run our schools, work in the mines. So we want to celebrate that and recognize everyone’s effort and how far we’ve come in the last century on living standards and health and safety standards and equality for all workers.”

At its peak, the blocks surrounding the Aquatic Centre were packed with up to 200 people waiting on the free food and activities set up on the lawn.