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RCMP investigating break-in at GearHub Sports

A person was seen leaving the store in a dark coloured Dodge van on July 4

Elk Valley RCMP is investigating a break in at GearHub Sports in downtown Fernie that occurred on Thursday, July 4.

A lone suspect, possibly a Caucasian man, broke into the store at 2:56 a.m., and stole bicycle parts. Video footage from the street shows that the suspect approached the front of the business and broke one of the windows with a hammer. The cost of parts and the broken window is over $5,000.

The suspect was wearing a dark hoodie and had a mask or some other item obscuring their face. They left the vicinity in a dark coloured newer style Dodge van. Images of the vehicle show that it has black spoke hubcaps and something that resembles a white card in the front window of the vehicle. 

RCMP state that the suspect is believed to have been carrying a claw hammer.

About the Author: Gillian Francis

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