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A plot to raise pot - The Free Press Turns 115 Years Old

A plot to raise pot - The Free Press Turns 115 Years Old

August 1 1979

Free Press Files

There are strange things being done in beautiful downtown Fernie as it enters its joyous Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Take a walk down Second Avenue, once known as Victoria Avenue.

Queen Victoria, of blessed memory, after whom the avenue was named more than 75 years ago would have shuddered.

The avenue is decorated to fit the Jubilee theme. Passersby admire the coal carts with their dainty and colorful floral arrangements.

There are those who pass by and there are those who stay to watch one particular cart.

They love this floral coal cart and treat it with tender loving care. Sprinkler in hand, they nurse the plants so lovingly,you would think they were true garden lovers.

Yea, verily, that cart is treated with tender loving for growing in it is growing cannabis satina!

In other words, a marijuana plant!

Then came the police.

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