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Middletown Crossing project delayed

Sparwood to push Highway 3/43 project to 2016 while waiting for grant approval.

West Fernie project receives government funding

$50,000 in funding has been provided for the West Fernie boundary extension from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.
Two injured in Koocanusa ATV accidents

Two injured in Koocanusa ATV accidents

Two ATV users were injured in separate accidents on Saturday, April 4 at the Lake Koocanusa mudbogs.

Line Creek fish deaths attributed to plant startup

The 74 fish found dead at Teck’s Line Creek Operations was the result of problems with the startup process of the water treatment facility.

Fatality result of skiing accident at Fernie Alpine Resort

A skiing accident on Thursday, April 2 at Fernie Alpine Resort has taken the life of Edmonton architect Tom Sutherland.

Explosion at Greenhills mine hospitalizes three

On Sunday, April 5 an explosion at Greenhills mine near Elkford occurred sending three to hospital with burns.

Liquor price changes small so far

New wholesale price, wine in grocery stores and longer hours for some government stores take effect today

Drug bust in Fernie results in four arrests

Police seized various drugs from a 4th Avenue residence in Fernie resulting in the arrests of four individuals on Saturday, March 28.

Elkford Chamber of Commerce hosts AGM

MP David Wilks made an appearance as well as guest speakers from the community.

New coal mine proposed in Sparwood

A new coal-mining project in its preliminary stages has been presented to Elk Valley council.