Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) will be constructing a new radio tower structure along its right-of-way within the Municipal District of Elkford. The structure will be located on CPKC property parallel to Fording Forest Service Road (see map below), will stand approximately 100-feet tall and will be built with an adjacent shelter and perimeter fence. Access to the structure will be through CPKC property and will not be accessible to the public.

The purpose of the structure is to improve CPKC’s communication ability between locomotives, ground crews and operations teams.
Questions or comments about the upcoming construction can be emailed or mailed to CPKC’s representative below by June 1, 2024.
Celina Kawasima, Senior Engineer
Building #1, 7550 Ogden Dale Road SE
Calgary, AB, T2C 4X9
50.018114, -114.833883