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Editorial - Abrupt change

Does anyone else feel that a switch flipped and it became fall?

Does anyone else feel that a switch flipped and it became fall? In the last week and a half alone, the leaves are noticeably falling and their colours are morphing into their mustard-like colours. Some years, that subtle change happens over the course of a couple of weeks, and you hardly notice it.  But this year, that change has happened and it is noticeable.

Yes, it’s that time of year and I know what to expect when September hits. But for some reason, the change this year seems more shocking and sudden than previous, even though I was expecting it. And in some years, I don’t break out sweaters and toques until Halloween. I guess, sometimes, change is just abrupt like that.

Change is one of those things in life that will always have an uncontrollable factor to it. No matter how much you prep for it or how ready you are, it will still shake your life to a certain degree, for better or for worse.

There are numerous clichés and adages surrounding change and its force. The most common one I’ve heard is “the only constant in life is change.” Being slightly cynical by nature and not a fan of clichés, I usually have little patience for this saying, even though, admittedly, there is an element of truth to it. Life changes all the time, and sometimes it can really shake up your life in a short amount of time.

Speaking from my own experience with recent change, while there is that uncontrollable factor, there is also this feeling of doubt – doubting whether the impending change is the right move, if it will help or hinder me in the long run. I battled with this debate for some time, and it was exhausting going back and forth between decisions.

I have made some choices and change is an effect of these choices. I have no idea if I’ve made the right choice. However, once I made a choice and stuck with it, the stress eased, even if there is still a tinge of doubt in the situation.

An old friend of mine once said to me that it doesn’t matter what you do in life, as long as you do it with conviction. There is always going to be an element of risk with change – it’s uncertain, new and different. But sticking to the decision with conviction might ease some of that burden.

The change in seasons is complementing the drastic changes in life, and I’m sure it is felt throughout the Elk Valley, and is not exclusive to my own experiences. It’s funny how sometimes change is more apparent in life. But I guess, sometimes, change is just abrupt like that.