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Editorial on Halloween

An editorial on safety and some of the stranger traditions of Halloween.

Tomorrow is the one day of the year where children and adults alike can dress up as whatever they want to be. It’s the one day of the year where children can prowl the streets for candy, eating as much junk food as their little hearts desire.

Halloween is my favourite holiday. I’m fond of the decorations, I adore the costumes and most of all, I love seeing kids light up as they dash across the street, eager to hit up the next house for Halloween candy.

But some Halloween traditions don’t make any sense to me.

I never understood why rebellious teenagers find it so amusing to destroy other resident’s property the night before Halloween. Gate Night is an honoured tradition, but it’s one that seems to upset a lot of people. As a child, I remember having to help my parents scrape eggs off our garage door more than a few times, but when I entered into my teen years, I never had an inclination to terrorize complete strangers.

Another thing I don’t understand is why women find it appealing to throw on a costume that is basically on par with wearing lingerie. They add ears to it and wear it out for the evening. That tradition has always stumped me and I will be even more shocked to see that happen in Fernie, as I’m sure I will. While studying in university, the female costumes I saw on Halloween always surprised me. The end of October is typically pretty cold, and I myself, typically want to cover up, even if that means wearing a coat over my costume. But some females seem not to care about the cold. It’s all worth it to look sexy for the night, right?

Halloween is a time for both children and adults alike to have fun, get a bit crazy and enjoy a night of ghoulish, scary fun. This Halloween, as you filter into the bars to win your Fernie Alpine Resort’s season pass, or a trip to Vegas, remember to be responsible. After all, Halloween is the one night of the year that you can be 100 per cent certain that children will be roaming the streets. It’s important that party-goers ensure they have a place to stay or a ride home at the end of the night to avoid drinking and driving. Even when children have cleared off the streets, there will still be adults roaming the streets, looking to make their way home after a night of dancing and drinking. And it’s not only bar-goers that need to be weary about safety on Halloween. Drivers should also be remaining extra precautious when driving through residential neighbourhoods. You never know when a vampire is going to jump out in front of your car and scare the daylights out of you.