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Letters to the Editor - July 13

A step back for climate, a tangled web of lies and an appeal for world peace

“Oh! What a tangled web we weave… When first we practice to deceive”

It is doubtful that Sir Walter Scott suspected how appropriate these words would be for our province two centuries after writing them.

But they are, and we have witnessed their consequences for 16 years.

Premier Gordon Campbell lied about the NDP Nineties, about NDP budgetary surpluses, about the sale of BC Rail and even about why Western Star relocated from Kelowna.

Premier Christy Clark lied about reducing the provincial debt, about lowering MSP premiums to 2003 levels, about the NDP hacking the B.C. Liberal database and about 100,000 jobs, a billion dollar prosperity fund and a trillion dollars in revenue from the exploitation of BC’s LNG resource.

In a recent interview in Cranbrook, B.C. opposition leader, now premier, John Horgan stated, “I have nothing but contempt for those who use political power to fear-monger about future employment among workers and their families. Anyone who has claimed, or still claims, that the NDP will shut down coal production in the East Kootenay, is a liar.”

Indeed, the MLA who once represented Kootenay East, and was himself guilty of such fear-mongering, also stood a fair distance from the truth in stating that the Site ‘C’ dam on the Peace River was good to go, but only by purposely ignoring the BC Utilities Commission and thus creating the current shambles which Premier Horgan must now address.

Being caught in multiple mendacities, as all these B.C. Liberal leading lights have been, should act as a warning to Kootenay East MLA Shypitka who recently came perilously close to lying about NDP policy on Site ‘C’. (news item, The Free Press, June 21).

Fortunately for the truth - though unfortunately for Mr. Shypitka - the facts about Site ‘C’ were laid out by David Bird (letter, The Free Press, June 28), albeit in a much more civilized and rational fashion than Mr. Shypitka, and the B.C. Liberals, deserve.

JC Vallance,

Fernie, B.C.

One Step Back for Climate

“Now is not the time to entertain the raving of fools.” I’m sure someone thought that after reading the Thomson Reuters post July 5 for CBC news. The by-line read, “Trump administration plans to challenge climate science in a series of debates.” This was pre-dated by a Cameron MacLean article June 29 for CBC news that noted the government of Manitoba’s plan to challenge the constitutional authority of the federal government to impose a carbon reduction plan on the provinces.

I accept the overwhelming evidence that the earth is not flat, nor the centre of the universe and that climate change is real and accelerated by human activity. I also accept that massive local, national and global cooperation is needed to develop climate solutions. Whether Manitoba, USA or Saskatchewan – jurisdictional posturing or looking for non-science to justify inaction to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will not deal with the problem. We need people and governments that are looking to implement real solutions – not excuses for inaction.

Ron Robinson

Nelson, B.C.

Response to Editorial on July 6, 2017

Dear editor,

Unfortunately the currency of war is usually death.

As Canadians we are proud members of NATO/United Nations, and allies of numerous morally and ethically aligned countries (despite disagreements at times).

One issue that we as Canadians agree strongly on is Daesh is a direct threat to what we stand for and what we have fought/sacrificed for (my list is too long to publish).

I am extremely proud of our Canadian soldier that took a shot (at an almost impossible distance) to defend our allies, morals and ethics.

War and death are horrible and should be avoided at all cost. At the same time we need to strongly defend what we stand for.

Steven Szelei

Fernie, B.C.

To All of Humanity

We are presented with a most wonderful and miraculous opportunity to change all our lives on planet earth for the better by asking our leaders to sign the World Peace Treaty on August 2nd and 3rd 2017 in Haifa. I have been following the Keshe Foundation for a few years now and am in absolute awe, bewilderment and utter joy at the technologies presented, it is a lot to wrap your head around but the ultimate for me has always been WORLD PEACE. I have sat on the fence for far too long to let this opportunity pass me by so my efforts to push this forward is by sharing this information with my Fernie people. I hope you will join me in contacting our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and demand that he attends this conference to sign the World Peace Treaty on behalf of all Canadians. I will be meditating every evening between 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. until August 3rd at the Fernie Courthouse on the lush green grass and hope you will join me and add your Fernie energy to create World Peace.

You can check out this technology by going to

Thank you all so much,

Barb Binder

Fernie, B.C.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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