B Corp and tech-for-good platform Do Some Good is being recognized on a national level as a social enterprise that makes significant contributions to improving the lives of Canadians.
Canada’s Volunteer Awards recognize community leaders, not-for-profit organizations, social enterprises and businesses that are highly engaged in their communities and inspire Canadians to make a difference through volunteering. Do Some Good will be presented with a Business Leader award for the region of B.C. and the North, one of only five businesses across Canada receiving this award.
“Our entire team at Do Some Good is incredibly honoured and humbled to receive this award,” says Jeff Hoffart, Chief Operating Officer at Do Some Good. “Goodness is happening each and every day in our local communities – acts of kindness, volunteering, donations, support. We are proud that our platform empowers local volunteers, community organizations and businesses across Canada to create exponential community impact, and easily capture and share those impact stories to inspire others to do good.
“We’re excited that through our partnerships with local media companies, we can increase the reach and exposure of positive storytelling, celebrating those doing good in our local communities.”

Volunteerism is at the heart of Do Some Good’s origin story. Nearly 10 years ago, the platform’s founder, Sheldon Gardiner, was looking for volunteer opportunities in Kelowna for his two daughters, and found this to be no easy task. Do Some Good was created to fill the critical social need of matching volunteers with community organizations who greatly needed support.
“Just as we wouldn’t be here without volunteerism, Do Some Good also wouldn’t exist, and couldn’t be the catalyst for significant community impact, without the amazing support of key community partners,” says Hoffart. “A big thank you to our partners – Interior Savings, Prospera Credit Union, Black Press Media, and First West Credit Union – who continue to be our biggest advocates in the community.”
Regional recipients of Canada’s volunteer award were able to identify a not-for-profit organization to receive a $5,000 grant. Do Some Good chose the Credit Union Foundation of B.C. because of the long-time support the platform has received from Credit Unions, how community support is intrinsic to all Credit Unions in Canada, and to keep funds local where the award was won.
“It was such a lovely surprise to hear from Do Some Good about their award and choosing the Credit Union Foundation of B.C. to be the recipient of a $5,000 grant,” says Bill Corbett, Foundation President. “This generous donation from the Government of Canada and Do Some Good will help us provide financial support to B.C. students facing barriers to achieving post-secondary education. Thank you, Do Some Good, for being a leader in our community and congratulations on your award!”
Award recipients will be celebrated during a ceremony in Ottawa that will be live streamed on YouTube for all Canadians to view on Dec. 5, from 5 to 6 p.m. EST: https://www.youtube.com/c/EmploymentAndSocialDevelopmentCanada.
“We hope Canadians tune in for the live stream,” Hoffart says. “There are some amazing people and organizations being recognized that we’re excited to share the stage with that we know you’ll be inspired by.”
To see a full list of award recipients, visit: www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2022/11/government-of-canada-announces-recipients-of-canadas-volunteer-awards0.html