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VIDEO: Boaters encounter pod of humpbacks in Georgia Strait

Pod spotted between Comox and Texada Island

A Comox Valley family had a meeting with a humpback whale family recently, between Comox and Texada Island.

Carolyn and Steve Touhey were out on their boat with a friend on Sunday, when they spotted the telltale whale spouts nearby.

“I think there were four [in the pod] - at one point I thought maybe five, but there were definitely at least four,” Carolyn said. “We saw the blowholes so we slowed down, but the boat in idle, and just let them go past us.”

Carolyn grabbed her camera, which is equipped with a 60x zoom lens, and recorded the show from a distance.

Carolyn said she had a similar experience at this time last year.

“On the same memory card I was looking back to November of 2019 and we saw some spectacular humpbacks that time too… I think people probably think it’s winter so there’s no whale-watching, but the whales don’t leave. We do.”

The Touheys, who own the Two Eagle Lodge, also had a memorable encounter with a pod of orcas earlier this year.

RELATED: Orcas feeding, splashing and breaching near Hornby Island

So is it time to expand their bed and breakfast business to a B&B/adventure tours business?

“Oh, I don’t think so,” said Carolyn with a laugh. “But I will never say never.”

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Terry Farrell

About the Author: Terry Farrell

Terry returned to Black Press in 2014, after seven years at a daily publication in Alberta. He brings 24 years of editorial experience to Comox Valley Record...
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