By Breanna Himmelright
It’s not everyday one looks out on Tie Lake and sees dozens of witches and warlocks out for a morning paddleboard.
In late September, 77 community members from the region took to the lake in their spookiest attire for the largest Witches Paddle resident Joy Taylor has ever organized.
“A couple years ago, I had seen an article.” Taylor, a Jaffray resident, said. “It showed witches on paddleboards in a lake, and I believe it was from some lake in the US. And I thought ‘this would be an awful lot of fun to do at Tie [Lake].’ So I had emailed or texted a couple of girlfriends out at the lake.”
In the first couple of years, only Taylor and another friend could be found on the lake. This year, however, Taylor decided she wanted to bring more people in on the fun.
“There were some little kids on paddleboards with their parents, and there were a couple of dogs. We even had two warlocks in kayaks… and we had two powerboats; two ski boats were out. There were people from Tie Lake who just watched and took pictures, and if anybody needed a ride, they would help them out.”
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