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Mandy McGregor Q & A

District of Elkford: McGregor, Mandy - Councillor Candidate. McGregor addresses the need for a downtown core in Elkford.
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Mandy McGregor will be running for a councillor position in the District of Elkford in the 2014 municipal election.

Q: How would you support the development of a vibrant downtown core in Elkford?

A: With shift work, commuting, and online shopping now being our reality, a downtown core that focuses on storefront businesses is not sustainable. We need to think outside the box! An Elk Valley Business License Program, as opposed to the necessity of three individual business licenses, would encourage inter-community service business, and lighten the cost associated with offering mobile business. A multi-generational play ground where all ages could meet and play, would encourage and  increase community interaction and involvement. Both would be a step in the right direction.