Mayor and Council are excitedly awaiting the re-opening of the pool as the hot tub renovation project nears closer to completion. With considerable down-time due to age and failing components of the old hot tub, Council knew it was important to invest in this well loved and well used amenity.
This project will see significant improvements for pool users as accessibility issues are being addressed. Highlighted by the demolition of the 40-year old hot tub and a new, larger and more accessible tub being constructed in its place, this project will improve many aspects of pool functionality and safety, as well as provide a fresh and bright new atmosphere.
Extending the original scope of work and project timeline is the addition of the replacement of the entire pool deck tile which was approved by Council in June. The tile, which was also at the end of life, had become worn, slippery, and broken creating a potential hazard. Safety concerns are a priority for Council to address and it made sense to do this at the same time as the hot tub renovation. While this additional work extends the closure six weeks from the original date of re-opening, it prevents another facility closure down the road and ensures surfaces across the deck are safe. Council is very aware of how many seniors use the pool for physical, mental and social health, and we needed to ensure patrons could be confident when walking from the pool to the hot tub. The interruption for both patrons and aquatics staff to undertake yet another closure to address the tile down the road, emphasized the importance of undertaking the work now.
With the project currently on track, a grand opening is aimed for the end of November. Heading into 2024, the pool is anticipated to be running at full, seven days per week operation, with a diverse array of lessons, programs and activities. The impacts of COVID-19, and the almost two year pause in swimming lessons has left us and municipalities across the globe in a situation where many children now lack the life skill of knowing how to swim. We will do what we can to provide the community opportunities to close that gap, offering an abundance of availability for lessons.
Additional details on lesson registration, programs and the grand-opening will be available on the District’s website, social media pages and at
Closing on the topic of health and safety, Council wanted to express a big ‘thank-you’ to the residents of Sparwood during the Lladnar Creek Wildfire. We recognize this wildfire brought with it some unease and anxiety. We sincerely appreciate everyone who stayed informed, and calm and assisted with keeping friends and neighbours up-to date with information. We acknowledge members of the community who helped behind the scenes and appreciate the efforts of each and everyone.