To whom it may concern,
A short list of one
On December 21 we received our Arts Council Newsletter, one of the articles involved an unveiling of the short list of one proposal for a piece of sculpture for Station Square. Having been involved with the Station since its inception Lynda and I decided to attend even though a short list of one piece sounds more like a fait accompli than a consultative process. We expected an unveiling of the proposal and a presentation explaining the piece and why it was chosen over the other submissions.
When we arrived there was a sketch of the proposed sculpture depicting the Fernie fire but no presentation or explanation as to why it was chosen over the other submissions.
I have lived here in Fernie for over 40 years, I am aware that like many many other communities Fernie does have a catastrophic fire in its history. It happened 110 years ago. I cannot speak for other community members but I know that the fire has almost no resonance for me and I would think even less for more recent residents. To me the Station and by extension the proposed park celebrate the vibrancy of the community and the arts and culture contained within. We are a wonderful, rich, multicultural and energetic community. In my driving school I have taught individuals from 23 different countries. It would be my hope that a piece of community art, especially in Station Square, should reflect who we are today, looking to the future and where we are going.
Respectfully Submitted,
David Bird
Fernie, B.C.