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Re: Whitewater Park

The Elk River is my home. I fish, I paddle and I live beside the river.

Re: Whitewater Park


The Elk River is my home. I fish, I paddle and I live beside the river.

I’m not sure if many of you know about the proposed Whitewater Park for the

Elk River here in Fernie. If this Whitewater Park teaches children how

to play safely on the river, and keeps them busy and gets more people

enjoying the Elk River‹I am all for it!

As for my fishing, I'm reading that a Whitewater Park is good for the

fish and that means it's good for me too. I've seen these whitewater

parks and they look like natural rock, kind of like there is downstream and

used to be in town before the river was altered.

Scott Shipley from Boulder, Colorado is the park designer coming to Fernie

next week. He's one of the best known boaters in the world and he's going

to design our park! His most recent park designs include the Calgary

Park and the London Olympic park.

Scott will be at the open house, Thursday, May 10 at 6 p.m. at the Fernie

Golf Club. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn about what's

happening, get involved or just state your opinion. The bar will be open

and we'll show some river movies too. I hope to see you there!


Stu Robbins
